Capitalizing on the Shroom Boom

Psilocybin is poised for a cultural revolution. Exploring the evolution of mushrooms in parallel with the cannabis journey, we outline our observations, predictions and recommendations for how to build brands that thrive.

image credit: @badbright

Psilocybin is poised for a cultural revolution. Exploring the evolution of mushrooms in parallel with the cannabis journey, we outline our observations, predictions and recommendations for how to build brands that thrive.

As cannabis blazes its trail toward federal legalization, the FDA's reconsideration of its Schedule 1 status marks a turning point. Meanwhile, mushrooms and psilocybin are stealing the spotlight, with research into their transformative effects skyrocketing. 

Drawing parallels to cannabis' journey to mainstream acceptance, psilocybin is poised for a cultural revolution. As legalization gains momentum and groundbreaking scientific studies reveal the profound therapeutic potential of psychedelics, brands are diving headfirst into this vibrant intersection of commerce, culture, and consciousness.

To stand out in the world of mushrooms today and get ahead of its projected explosive growth trajectory, we explored mushrooms in parallel with the cannabis journey, outlining our observations, predictions and recommendations for how to build brands that thrive.

01. Miracle ingredients pave the way: CBD & adaptogenic mushrooms

Before THC-heavy cannabis was widely accepted & legalized for recreation, its sister molecule CBD did a lot of heavy lifting in opening up cannabis to the masses as a naturally efficacious treatment for a range of health & wellness supporting functions - from better sleep to pain relief and beyond.

CBD Brand Evolution

From health supplement to cool health and wellness lifestyle brand

Mushroom Brand Evolution

From health supplement to cool health and wellness lifestyle brand

On a similar note, several strains of mushrooms used in consumer products (lion's mane, etc.) along with other nootropics like ashwaganda are alleged to facilitate brain health and cognitive performance without any “tripping”’ effects. For now brands are focusing communication around natural ingredients with inherent health benefits that appeal to a broad audience.

Crafting a Compelling Narrative: From Health to Lifestyle

At the heart of effective branding in this space lies a compelling narrative that resonates with consumers on both rational and emotional levels. For mushroom-based brands, as we saw with CBD, this narrative often begins with the science behind the ingredients, highlighting the research and evidence supporting their cognitive-enhancing properties - with brands showing up like any other trusted natural wellness brand. 

Once the masses have bought into the credibility of the lead ingredient brands can go beyond the scientific evidence, weaving a broader narrative that speaks to the aspirations, values, and lifestyle preferences of their target audience. Whether it's a focus on productivity, creativity, or well-being, the key is to create a narrative that taps into consumers' desires and aspirations, fostering a sense of connection and resonance with the brand.

Key Takeaways:

  • Refining visual cues for a new category: Marketers will need to distinguish mushroom and psilocybin offerings from THC/CBD product benefits. How do these cues overlap and diverge?
  • Adding credibility, shedding stigma: Shifting from ‘00 millennial fades and gradients, to more visual cues around benefits vs a vibe - we’re going to need to break out and define a new way of communicating taste and benefits in this space.
  • Mushrooms, but make it wellness. Consumer brands will need to clearly communicate health and cognitive benefits to overcome lasting stigma around the fear of tripping

02. Mainstream Microdosing: Introducing THC and Psilocybin

The recreational effects of both cannabis and mushrooms were known before the potential therapeutic benefits - establishing their usage in an aura of stoner antics and bad trips.  

When it came to cannabis, brands gained traction with a new set of consumers by delivering it in small doses, tailored to specific needstates - shifting attention away from its intoxicating effects and towards how it can provide real everyday benefits for anyone looking for a boost of creativity or help with anxiety.

Cannabis Microdose Brands

Mushroom Microdose Brands

In recent years, a subtle yet profound trend has emerged in the realm of alternative medicine and cognitive enhancement: microdosing psilocybin. This practice involves taking tiny, sub-perceptual doses of the psychedelic compound found in certain mushrooms, typically every few days, with the aim of experiencing various cognitive and emotional benefits without the intense hallucinogenic effects associated with higher doses. Let's delve into this fascinating phenomenon and explore its potential benefits, risks, and implications for design as mushrooms continue to be integrated as a compliment to mental health and wellness lifestyles.

Shifting Perceptions: Microdosing as Wellness

Brands like the Kind Teacher work to combat the stigma and fear associated with psilocybin through a highly personalized experience and consulting approach. Customers are asked to set up a consultation with a company representative to discuss what they call “the protocol” which is a tailored, personal schedule intended to guide clients’ microdosing experience in order to help them reach their stated goals. This 1:1 experience is essential to determining an appropriate dosage, getting educated on the protocol as medicine and treating the process respectfully.

Visually, brands like the Kind Teacher and Mama Dose are straddling traditional psilocybin cues - wavy typography and mushroom iconography - with wellness cues - soft, ambient color palette and benefit-led messaging. As the category matures and microdosing continues to be more broadly embraced, we expect the category to continue to evolve towards health and personal wellness design cues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Overcoming stigma and embracing plant medicine: As mushrooms shift from their former status as baddies to a personal health and wellness compliment, brands will shift their VBIs to a more clear and direct communication strategy. Old school mushroom iconography and hallucinogenic imagery will go by the wayside as benefit-led visual storytelling will continue to emerge and lead the pack. 
  • Education, do tell me more: Brands who spend the time necessary to educate consumers about the benefits of microdosing will both destigmatize and further democratize the category. Advocating for responsible, thoughtful usage of a microdosing protocol will reset consumers’ relationship with “taking mushrooms,” further broadening the embrace of psilocybin in culture and the marketplace.

03. Leaning into the experiential side: Macrodosing

With general acceptance and trust established in the worlds of THC and mushrooms, people and brands are more easily able to move away from the functional benefits and re-establish their roots in recreational usage.  With people increasingly choosing alcohol free alternatives, full-strength THC and psilocybin options are seen as an often ‘better’ alternative.

For cannabis, we saw brands doubling down on the fun of getting & being stoned, playing into outdated stoner stereotypes, and high potency flower & carts growing share.

Weed Macrodose Brands

Mushroom Macrodose Brands

Aesthetic Alchemy: Crafting the Psychedelic Experience

From vibrant colors and intricate patterns to surreal imagery and cosmic motifs, psychedelic packaging captures the imagination and invites users to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. We expect these cues to mature in the coming years by shifting to more benefit and functional-led visual strategies.  By harnessing the power of storytelling, brands can evoke the ineffable qualities of the psychedelic experience, transcending language and rational thought to connect with users on a deeper, subconscious level.

Functionality Meets Form: Enhancing the User Experience

Beyond aesthetics, effective packaging design for psilocybin products prioritizes functionality and user experience. As consumers seek safe, convenient, and discreet ways to consume and transport psychedelic substances, packaging must strike a delicate balance between security and accessibility. Innovative solutions such as child-resistant containers, resealable pouches, and portable kits cater to the diverse needs of users while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

Key Takeaways:

  • From tripping to personal exploration: As the category continues to expand and evolve, it is imperative for macrodosing brands to build trust and credibility with consumers through education and responsible messaging. We predict that consumers will gravitate away from “getting fucked up” to trying to better understand themselves - that enormous shift in attitude will require brands to elaborate on macrodosing processes, procedures, and benefits and move away from traditional psychedelic vibes.
  • Potential to gain widespread acceptance: Macrodosing, “tripping”, is an inherently psychedelic experience that is also currently illegal, unregulated and therefore challenging to predict how this segment of the category will evolve and when. As consumers embrace nootropic mushroom products and start to experiment with microdosing, psilocybin will gradually gain widespread acceptance across broader consumer segments. At this tipping point, the Wonka bars of the world will have benefited from the halo effect of their nootropic and microdosing sisters and start borrowing their wellness and functional-benefit visual strategy. 
  • Moving beyond mushroom and lawn gnome iconography: As psilocybin continues to be embraced by consumers as a wellness and spiritual tool, macrodosing products will evolve to reflect this shift by moving away from heavy old school mushroom and hallucinogenic imagery to more benefit-led cues. Ensuring safety and security will become more important than ever as new consumer segments experiment with psilocybin.  

New Heights of Design

As the psychedelic renaissance continues to unfold, the future of design for psilocybin brands holds limitless possibilities. From therapeutic retreats and wellness products to psychedelic-inspired art and music, the possibilities for innovation and creativity are virtually limitless. 

However, businesses must remain vigilant, balancing commercial interests with a genuine commitment to advancing psychedelic research, educating consumers, and advocacy for responsible use. From interactive packaging experiences and augmented reality interfaces to biodegradable materials and eco-friendly packaging solutions, design is poised to revolutionize the way we perceive, interact with, and integrate psychedelics into our lives. By embracing the interplay of form and function, symbolism and significance, ethics and responsibility, brands can elevate the psychedelic experience to new heights of beauty, meaning, and purpose…and just might catalyze positive change in the world.