From Mocktails to Must-Haves: Building a Brighter Future for 'Non-Alc'

As the non-alcoholic beverage market continues to grow, brands must move beyond simply mimicking alcoholic drinks and start defining the category by what it truly offers.

As the non-alcoholic beverage market continues to grow, brands must move beyond simply mimicking alcoholic drinks and start defining the category by what it truly offers.

Between changing consumer behaviors and unprecedented category dynamics, alcohol is losing love & share… let’s start off with some stats:

Gen Zers drink 20% less per capita than Millennials did at their age.

Berenburg Research, 2023

Low and no alcohol product launches in the US grew by 11% in the past five years, increasing at a faster rate than the overall alcoholic beverage market.

Innova, 2024

Daily marijuana use overtook drinking at the same frequency in 2022, with roughly 17.7 million cannabis users and 14.7 million drinkers.

Carnagie Melon, 2024

Even if you don’t keep up to date with market trends and analytics, anyone who buys beverages has noticed the surge in non alcoholic offerings popping up everywhere from the corner bodegas to the bougie boutiques. 

Keen observers ask the obvious question: “isn’t a non-alcoholic drink just… a drink?”

Yes and no.  In this case, we’re talking specifically about the drinks that have to call out “no alcohol” or “zero proof”, etc (not any regular old seltzer, tea, soda etc. that doesn’t even have to mention alcohol)

Today, non-alc players position themselves using language and visual cues, like alcohol to stand out from any other flavored seltzer or juice or functional beverage.  They might LOOK like a cocktail or a spirit or a spiked ___ (with a “0 proof” disclaimer), but in reality they’re just a mocktail or herbal elixir or regular tea/seltzer/lemonade.

This copycat approach is leading to a sea of confusion at shelf.  Try to spot which one has alcohol and which doesn’t…

For brands to drive desire, they need to deliver something new, different and better than alcohol without the alcohol.  And to establish non alcoholic as the category in its own right (not just a passing trend), brands in the space need to define their own category codes, not just copycats. 

A category as big as this can’t be defined by what it’s not.  So we’ve outlined some thoughts on how it could be rebranded to what it IS.

1. Non-Alc IS a special refresher

There are many times where you want something a bit more special than a water or soda but it’s either not the right time for alcohol-level specialness, or you’re just not feeling like getting boozy - ex. A drink to go with your $18 bougie salad for lunch.

With uniquely crafted flavors and styles, these non-alcoholic options deliver elevated appeal that no regular tea, seltzer or soda could. 

Ooso’s brings sommelier-approved tasting notes & style into an anytime sparkling tea.

Ghia is made to sip and savor (but not because overpowering alcohol forces you to!).

Implication: A little bit of fancy can go a long way in making an anytime drink more special than the everyday.

2. Non-Alc IS functional lifestyle

One place alcohol can never go is straight up function.  Sure, lighter colors can cue BFY; certain ingredients carry an inherent health halo - but alcohol can’t actually claim any benefits.  Non alc brands have the leg up of being able to talk about specific functional benefits - be it hydration, energy, gut health, etc., but put a lifestyle spin on them, elevating them beyond the standard sports drink or energy shot.

With looks, feels, voices and experiences that speak to a specific lifestyle niche, brands are transforming function into aspiration.

Corsa Hydration Tonic hits like a sports drink, sips like a crafted cocktail
Illicit Elixirs hacks your brains’ dopamine production to make you so happy it should be illegal.

Implication: Double down on functionality to stand out from spirits, while speaking to & delivering for niche lifestyle benefits rather than the generic “energy” or “hydration,” etc.  

3. Non-Alc IS evocative enjoyment

While there are plenty of connoisseurs, many people just don’t like the taste of alcohol.  If they drink, it’s for the effect, not the taste.  For them, if they want a drink that’s just straight up enjoyable (flavor, refreshment, mouthfeel, etc.), they’ll choose a seltzer over a non alc beer or a soda over an overpriced mocktail.

The same old soda might be a safe bet, but it’s not an exciting choice.  Brands can take out the ABV and elevate the enjoyment by keeping in the intriguing stories and transportive styles the world of alcohol does so well.

Parch elevates their ingredient story to a rich & storied Sonoran desert terroir.
Casamara Club’s varieties transport your senses to the Italian vacation you’ve always dreamed of.

Implication: Simply removing ABV doesn’t up the enjoyment - it just makes it a lesser version of a thing you kinda like to drink sometimes. Infuse enjoyment into every story the brand tells that evoke the senses with every sip.

4. Non-Alc IS a mood enhancer

Alcohol’s mind-shifting effect is one of its biggest appeals and drawbacks. For those who want a bit of loosening up & relaxing without the risk of going too far or where the benefit that night doesn’t outweigh the hangover the next day, there are a plethora of functional ingredients that provide not just a shift but an enhanced mental state. 

Harnessing the adaptogens, mushrooms, THC, CBD, etc., these drinks give you the perfect amount of loosening up with no hard feelings

Brez xxxxx
Three Spirit blends flavor and feeling to be the perfect pairing for any mood.

Implication: Where alcohol shifts moods (for the better or worse), brands in this space can serve to enhance whatever the right mood is for the moment.

5. Non-Alc IS a buzz-ey social sip

Alcohol and socializing go hand-in-hand - whether with friends or strangers, sharing a drink just brings people together.  And the drinks you share say something about you, and bring their own level of social cache.  But who said the best social drinks need to have alcohol?

These drinks bring the cool factor to create a social buzz that helps everyone connect and stay in the moment together.

Barbet taps into hype-worthy collabs to drive buzz.
Bonbuz shares recipes to create a whole new type of social drinking ritual (one everybody remembers!)

Implication: Make the drinks the center of the party, not the alcohol.

6. Non-Alc IS a culinary craft

Craft mixology still has a place, but it’s also become a bit of a cliche - I mean, how many ways can you make an Old Fashioned?  And when non-alc brands just copycat cocktail trends, the cliche becomes a scam. Because without the alcohol isn’t a margarita just limeade?

Brands in this space are moving away from copying mixology recipes and getting inspired by the culinary world - infusing foodie-favorite flavors and ingredients, and inviting you to craft it your way. 

Avec invites you to make it yours - on its own or mixed with a spirit.  Either way, the alcohol is the least exciting part.
Aura Bora’s quirky seasonal flavors & culinary partnerships bring a whole new dimension to the perfect pairing.

Implication: Craft flavor experiences that can stand on their own, delivering unique culinary-inspired processes, recipes & ingredients that bring excitement to your palette, no matter how you drink them. 

In Summary…

The non-alcoholic drink category is a big deal, and it’s here to stay. The brands driving its growth have not just the opportunity, but the obligation to give the category the credit it deserves. Rather than focusing on what’s not there, let’s build a devoted following by delivering what neither alcohol nor a regular drink ever could. 

Whether it’s a fancy spin for special drinks, a whole new type of mood enhancement, the next generation of social sips, or an entirely new proposition, let’s take “non alc” out of our marketing lexicon and make this booming category more exciting and desirable than ever before.