Desirable by Design: The Glow-Up Guide for Any Category

From Graza making olive oil a centerpiece to Liquid Death bringing edge to the epitome of bland, and everything in between, we’re seeing lifestyle brands being built and thriving in even the unsexiest of aisles.

Starface: Hydro-stars

From Graza making olive oil a centerpiece to Liquid Death bringing edge to the epitome of bland, and everything in between, we’re seeing lifestyle brands being built and thriving in even the unsexiest of aisles.

We’re all in the loop on the ‘yassification’ of the world of food and drink (thanks Snaxshot!). 
From Graza making olive oil a centerpiece to Liquid Death bringing edge to the epitome of bland, and everything in between, we’re seeing lifestyle brands being built and thriving in even the unsexiest of aisles.

While we are huge fans of yassified food and beverage brands, the category has become so saturated with newness & lifestyle appeal, it’s harder than ever to find the right bag of chips or can of seltzer. Our eyes glaze over as our stomachs rumble with the abundance of cool.

At Sister Mary, we build brands that drive desire and spark devotion no matter the category. And it's often the unsexiest ones that we get most excited about - because there’s nothing but untapped potential to do it better.  

What types of categories have the most opportunity to break through and bring some fresh appeal?

Scary ones

When you need to take a Covid test or extinguish a fire, brand might not be top of mind. But if those brands had more appeal before you actually need them, we could be more prepared for all the if’s in life.

Personal ones

The things you tend to keep to yourself.  Whether they carry some ‘ick’ factor, have a residual taboo, or you just want to focus on the results rather than the problem, brands that add a little ‘ooooh’ can help overcome any latent embarrassing factor associated with them.

Uninspiring ones

The things you need but don’t really care about - ice cube trays, parchment paper, the things you put on chair legs to not scratch the floor, etc. Yes, they’re function-first needs… but that doesn’t mean you can’t still want them a little.

That’s not to say there aren’t ANY brands in these types of categories who are bringing some yaaas. We got inspired by the loud minority of brands who are disrupting the ‘undesirable’ norms to bring the appeal and get people talking. 

We pulled some top tips for how brands can bring desire to even the most ‘undesirable’ spaces.

1. Make your product an accessory

A common theme with these categories is wanting to hide the product itself. Tucked away in your cabinet instead of leaving it out on the counter; hidden in your palm as you duck into a bathroom. But these brands can become proud badges instead of dirty secrets with some creative flair you’ll want to show off.

Quitting nicotine never looked so good - with a simply chic & elevated compact-inspired refill case instead of the garish pharmaceutical bottles, you don’t have to covertly pop a Jones mint whenever the craving hits.

After so many years of trying to cover up blemishes, Starface zit stickers draw even more attention to them, disguising them as a fashion statement. Who cares about the pimple underneath when the treatment is so damn cute?

For anyone who partakes in recreational drug use, the fentanyl crisis has put a halo of fear in every pill/bump/toke. Along with their awareness and prevention community initiatives, Awake Tomorrow has developed a line of test strips you’ll want to bring to every party.

2. Don’t shy away from the problem - lead with it and make it look great

When you’re selling a solution to a problem no one ever wants, it’s an easier sell to focus on the ideal, problem-free end result.  But glossing over even the ugliest truths feels disingenuous, lacking humanity & empathy - ‘why should I trust you to solve my issue when you don’t even get what my problem is.’ But some brands are able to not just understand the issue, but make it look soooooo good.

What wrinkles are to skin, greys are to hair - an inescapable truth of aging. Arey’s products are formulated to slow the greying process, while celebrating the beauty of grey with a chic black & white brand identity. 

From climate change to civil unrest, we’ve all got problems we don’t even know about yet.  But rather than sit in blissful ignorance until the worst happens, Judy takes a vibrantly bold & simple approach to their to-go bags, providing a sense of security you can’t ignore.

Another hair problem hit head-on - this time pesky dandruff. And for Flakes, even though the problem is right in the name, their solution is a beautiful addition to any shower you’ll keep around long after your flakes have disappeared.

3. Create an experience that elevates the actual use-case

When the core functionality of your product or category just isn’t that sexy, it can be a challenge to bring in that desire. But that’s what brands are for - not just selling you what it does, but elevating the experience the actual product provides.

Brands have tried to make toilet paper warm and fuzzy - but at the end of the day, you’re still just wiping with it… Unless you’re Who Gives a Crap, whose fridge magnet poem-inspired editions encourage you to have fun with your TP in between using it.

With their plastic-ey feel and unflattering fit, the humble shower cap is usually off our heads even before we finish drying our bodies. But Shhhower’s perfect blend of function & form makes them comfortable and stylish enough to rock anywhere & everywhere you need to wrap up your locks.

Yes you still have to scoop your cat’s pee, but Pretty Litter makes the experience (even slightly) more enjoyable, turning your stinky dusty grey litter box into a clean and colorful way to monitor your kitty’s health.

4. Shift the conversation from ‘less bad’ to ‘more good’

Reducing an unwanted attribute is helpful… but it still doesn’t really make you excited to use again and again. When a brands’ whole promise is around taking something away, they need to add in a little something special so you don’t just notice when the effect wears off, but actually look forward to every time you use it.

Every morning, we swipe on deodorant without thought. And if it works, you don’t think about it all day. But Salt & Stone looks & acts more like a lusty perfume that doesn’t just cover up your stank but makes people ask “what scent are you wearing???”

Whether you shave, wax, pluck or leave au naturale, body hair can be a touchy subject.  But Fur’s line of body-hair-care products is shifting the narrative from removing unwanted fuzz to caring for your whole body’s luscious fur.

In this post-Covid era, we’re more aware of and averse to germs than ever before.  But the half-empty tubs of Purell just aren’t cutting it.  With incredible scents, cool packs and skin-boosting ingredients Touchland has positioned anti-bacterial as a pro-indulgent part of your beauty ritual.

5. Embrace the mess

When everyone else is focusing on the beautiful, happy end result, sometimes the best way to get attention & drive appeal is to lean into the ugly side - transforming it into head-turning desire.

Shopping for tooth whiteners, all you see is sparkling, pearly white smiles. HiSmile showcases those too, but leads with their proprietary (although somewhat offputting) vibrant purple formula that makes you do a double-take amidst a sea of ivory.

FridaBaby Snot Sucker made the grossest possible way of wiping your kids’ snot (sucking it out with your mouth) a cult favorite of parents- partly because it works, partly because the visceral ick factor is just so satisfying.


In the categories we’ve outlined, building consumers’ trust is paramount.  It’s a lot easier to build a playful or quirky or edgy brand around a drink or snack than an adult diaper or Covid test.  So, as you build desire into your brand, its critical to balance that appeal with humanity, credibility and confidence.  

Depending on what category your brand is in, keep these balances in mind:

Humor & Empathy

Bringing out your brands’ personality in a way that shows you truly understand what consumers are going through

Enjoyment & Functionality

Incredible flavors or scents can make a brand stand out, but if it doesn’t work, people probably won’t buy a second time

Depth & Simplicity

Telling your brand story in layers that people will want to uncover and know more about, without over-complicating your core proposition 

Real & Ideal

When and how you showcase the problem and/or solution, through lifestyle photography, benefit iconography, claims copy, etc.

Want to build desire into your brand & category? Get in touch!